waves of action

Your path to the ocean
There are camps, workshops and activities for everyone who wants to get to know the ocean habitat better, and for those who want to get involved in issues of environmental protection and learn the basics of marine biology, sustainability and mindfulness

Dive deeper 
Workshops, training, and funding opportunities are available for those who are already actively engaged, tinkering with projects together, and/or looking to further their education and networking with targeted support.

Find your voice
You are the change you want to see and can show others how to get involved. Share your enthusiasm, knowledge and values. Become a WAVES OF ACTION OceanVoice.

Marine biology

Few of us are lucky enough to live by the sea, therefore, life under water is rather foreign to us. In our camp on land and especially during the time on board the Vaka Okeanos you will get to know the ocean habitat better and have the opportunity to discover and explore it in many different ways.


You will learn about basic interrelationships and modes of action of our ecosystems, experience the importance of healthy oceans with regard to our life on land and experiment with ways in which you can contribute to the preservation of our livelihoods in everyday life.  


Commitment to the environment and society requires that you take your own limits seriously and find your way from the overwhelmingly big to your own individual possibilities. You will learn techniques of relaxation and self-care and methods for dealing with stress and pressure.  

WOA OceanCamps

Learn from the sea! Off the coast of southern France, we set sail for ocean conservation, engagement and mindfulness in our treatment of the planet!

WOA Workshops

You want to dive deeper into certain topics? Then check out our WOA workshops!  

WOA Ask Me!

The new format of WAVES OF ACTION, where you can ask your questions to experts and doers.

WOA Community

We are constantly growing, online and offline. Network with other ocean enthusiasts  through our WOA Community.  

All Upcoming Actions: